Well the older I get the more clumsy I become.
Last week I was sleeping when the house phone rang and startled me. I jumped out of bed, half asleep and ran for the phone. First mistake: Running to the phone when half asleep through a messy room. Lets just say I never made it to the phone. On my way to the phone I tripped on some debris that is overtaking our bedroom right now, clipped my thigh on the door handle and of course landed right on top of a metal crate filled with metal easels right outside the door. I did not move for 10 minutes after that fall. The bruise on my hip was already forming. I got jabbed under the armpit with an easel, got a carpet burn on my knee, three wolverine scratches on my hip and a scrape on my calf. I really am going to try to be more careful.....
oh wait....
yesterday I fell off my bike. true story.
Well here was the evolution of the massive bruise. enjoy.
Directly after impact....

And the bruise continues to change.....

I hope I entertained you rather than gross you out. But seriously It really entertained me. I would wake up and the first hting I would say to Russ in the morning was "Let's look at my bruise!" I seriously need some friends up here......