Well things around the Sorensen house have been a little hectic lately. Russ and his school work (this week he has 3 tests!) and me and work (it's our busy season right now) We just have our hands full and finding less and less time to spend together. i know I have been a little grumpy with this tight schedule but have been trying to make the best of it. I kind of feel like a robot. Get up, got to work, come home, do some more work, and go to bed and do the same thing over the next day. I know I post lots of FUN pictures but FUN doesn't happen often during the week.
After conference this weekend I decided to make some goals. I was going to get the house clean once and for all! So on monday, I work a 8.5 hour day, came home, when to water aerobics (SO FUN!) while Russ was doing homework and immediately started cleaning the entire house when I got home. until midnight. Russ helped me at the end but it was a long day, with no FUN at all, but it looks nice. I didn't quite make it to clean the bedroom but at least the majority is clean. We will post that when we are finished with it.
But I was saving the best for last. So last night i went in to work at 10 and didn't get home until 9:30. I was EXHAUSTED. I dont know if I am getting sick or not but I was not feeling 100% and I fell asleep right when I got home. Russ didn't get home from school until 10:00 and found me sleeping. I fell asleep in my clothes so he helped me get into my pj's and tucked me in. When I woke up this morning after having an amazing 12 hours of sleep, I started walking to the bathroom and there was a surprise! Russ had decorate in honor of our first date. I started reading everything that he wrote and I started getting so happy and emotional, and you guessed I started crying. I told Russ I reminded myself of my mom. If it is a "good one" there should be tears. So I sat on the floor and didn't know what to do with myself. It was pathetic but it really brought me so much happiness. With all our business Russ managed to do something nice, something sweet and it really brought my robot life back to life. Thank you Russ. That was the sweetest thing ever. I didn't even remember what the date was or what special event happened just a yea ago. Can you believe it's been one year already! I'm so glad that I have chosen to marry such a special man. We really are good for each other. He makes me so happy. I'm pretty obsessed with him. I really would be lost without him.....I'm sorry if this is too mushy for blogging but I'm in such a in love, mushy, I love my husband and think he is the greatest mood. Russ, I LOVE YOU!
Here is the living room, we are currently storing Ryan's love sac so it takes up our entire room.

Mom here is the picture of the presidency you sent us....
Our new TV.
Look at the sweet messages he left on the balloons...there was also a sweet message hidden in letters that spells out "Can I Kiss You?" That was our first kiss on our first date Russ asked to kiss me. how sweet =-)
Our Kitchen
All of our frames with no pictures in them yet. We need to get those stranger families off the wall...
Decoration corner
The bathroom (brooke the walls look nice because of you!)
"It all started one year ago... and now it will never stop" See why i was crying!
How sweet is this!??!?!