It has been a while since my last blog. I've been real busy and well nothing exciting has really happened worthy to blog. But I just went down to phoenix for Thansgiving and it was amazing
It was a short trip, left after work on Tues, stayed Wed and Thurs and then back to Utah Fri morning and straight to work from the airport. Ya I know, but someone had to pay the bills (and it's not Russ, haha). It wasn't the most relaxing vacation, trying to cram as much stuff as we possibly could in, but we enjoyed it so so much. Russ was texting me the countdown till we left. We got to see Allison's wonderful baby (the new love of my life) and I just got so happy and so sad all at once. I was so happy to see allison and devin and sam but a then I was sad that I don't ever get to see them. It is just so depressing. I miss them already! How am i ever supposed to be the favorite aunt if I'm never around!?! I can't let Whitney and Becca take that position! haha. I also saw Leigh Ann and her sweet babe Chance. He is so so big! And so smily and cute! Here are a few pictures from our reunion....

We had to say our goodbyes but not until I stalked Sam and took as many pictures as i could! Why is he the cutest thing in the world! I'm going to premier these photos. Allison has not yet seen all of them. So here are a few!! So cute!!

Anyways. that is the new love of my life. cute isn't he!?!
Well Thanksgiving went fast but it was a blast! It was soooo refreshing to see my family and friends!! I miss everyone so so much! There is so much going on in everyones lives I am still trying to catch up! We came down just in time to see and SMELL some Arizona rain and get some beautiful weather. I wore a sweater one day and started sweating! It's much colder in Utah and is only getting colder! ew! I miss Arizona! Thanks to my parents we were able to come down and enjoy some good company, good food and good climate. Why don't we live in Arizona again. Oh ya, Russ is still in school......and will be.....for like.....2 1/2 years......I don't know if I can make it. Haha, We've both just been a little homesick and busy with work and school lately that it was real nice to get a quick break. i got to see my niece Madison and new nephew Tanner. He is so big now! Tanner and Sam met very quickly ad they were due around the same time but little Tanner came early so Sam has some catching up to do! Madison is hilarious! She talks her head off and the funny thing is you can't understand half of what comes out of her mouth! She calls grandma "muga" (she says it kind of backwards) and now repeats tons of things you say. I was trying to seat-belt her in one day and I couldn't get her in so I said "dang it" she immediately repeated the phrase and I could not help but laugh. Mom gave me a weird look that "be careful what you say" look. It was fun sleeping at home in my bed. Although Russ and I are used to sleeping on separate ends of a king size bed and were forced into a queen (but it feels like a full) So it was a little squishy. He can't be by me in order for me to fall asleep, i need silence and well, Russ sleeps with is mouth open so I occasionally have to push him in the middle of the night from snoring anyways. HAHA, i'm going on a tangent but ya. I love my house. I wish I could be closer to family. It's more fun that way. But Utah is our home now. I know I do a lot of complaining but this is Russ and I's first home together so I better have fun while it lasts. We really have nothing to complain about. We have a nice place to live I have a great job, Russ has the opportunity to attend BYU and finish his education so we are happy. It's late and I think I am rammbling on and on. But the point it we had fun. We miss Arizona. We miss family. We misse friends. We want a vacation. and it was a fun trip! Can't wait to see everyone again for a longer trip at Christmas. Dec 23rd to the 4th! Love everyone! Here are some fun fam photos!