So today I feel like a BLOB.
It's one of those sundays where we didn't do anything. Russ is sick so he doesn't want to do anything and it's not like there is a lot of space to walk around in my apt. So pretty much we went to church, Russ came home and took a nap while I made dinner. Then I took a nap while Russ picked up the house a bit. And then we sit. and do nothing.
So I seriously needed to get out of the house so I coxed Russ into going on a walk. And of course I brought my camera and the new lens haha. aka. my baby. So this was pretty much my exercise for the week. Pretty pathetic. It's still cold here and I have not had the desire to work out at all. The cold makes me want to hibernate all day. But it is getting warmer so I am happy about that. here are some cool pictures while we were out and about......I tried to do some cool edits to them. I like them. lots.
Russ took a picture of this tree and we messed around with the edit on it. I think it looks pretty cool.

We took pictures where we drew "S & R" with light and then added them to this picture. Yah, I really don't know why I spend so much time on the computer.....
i LOVE this one of russ. it is my absolute FAVORITO!
Russ took this picture. good job russ.
Here is sick russ with his hot chocolate that he requested that I make before he left. But he could not taste it. haha.