Well May is my birthday month and my first married birthday with Russ. In the Reid family birthday's are a bit of a BIG DEAL. It would be an insult not to call or get a call on your birthday from your siblings and parents. Well Russ comes from a different family (a family I LOVE) but they don't share the same enthusiasm for birthdays. So I have had to train Russ a little bit in the birthday area so that he will have a happy wife. (wow, i sound like a brat right now haha) =-) (Last year i had to have 2 birthdays) So anyways, I had a great birthday!
I woke up to a sweet message on my mirror in the bathroom and fun messages on my car.

Then Russ and I both headed off to work. i didn't forget my birthday girl pin before i left.

At work I had a good day. Davi got me some candy and chapstick (she knows what i like!) Vi got me a cupcake and shauna bought me lunch. While I was working away Sweet Russ had was on his way to drop something off in Salt Lake for his work and he stopped by and surprised me with the most amazing roses I have ever seen! I was the best surprise of the day! I loved loved loved it!!!! They really looked amazing, this pictures does not do them justice.

After work I headed home and Russ was stressing because he got off late from work and he was mad because it was ruining his evening plans. He had dinner planned first but we didn't have enough time so we went to the planetarium first to see the U2 light show (the same one we went to see the night we got engaged). Then we headed over to this restaurant we've been wanting to try that has the best ratings ever, the Red Iguana. It was super tasty exept for my meal tasted funky. I got enchiladas and they were sweet like ginger. I ate off Russ's plate and everything he got was great! Then we went home and Russ got me the best gift EVER EVER EVER! Concert tickets to go see FUN the following Wed and and i-tunes gift card to purchase their CD when it comes out in August. Sooo, let me explain who the FUN is. So my favorite band The Format broke up a little while ago and the lead singer (WHICH I LOVE) has started a new band called FUN! I'm a little obsessed with him and I have met him a few times, had him sign a few shirts, haha, no big deal. but i met him AGAIN.

The concert was so amazing! I loved it and can't wait to get there CD in August. I also got Russ obsessed with the format. I think he has a crush on Nate because he is always talking about him. haha, he really enjoyed the concert too.

All and all it was a great birthday! I had such a good day! My family sent me a few things in the mail and my parents made me the best thing ever! They took my college diploma and the graduation picture and framed it with some other graduation stuff of mine. I LOVED IT! I wanted to do that sometime but I don't know if I would have ever gotten around to it. THanks guys! And thanks to everyone for the calls and the gifts! I had a great 24th birthday! Man I am getting OLD!