Since Russ was not able to come down with me I had my whole family say a special hello!
Then Sunday I shot Jeremy's and Kelly's beautiful wedding! I have a special bond with them because they got married at the same place I had my reception at (which makes sense because they both work there!) and it gave me some sweet memories. They wedding was awesome and I got some great shots! you will have to stay tuned to see those pictures but here is a picture of the new Mr. and Mrs Jeremy Statzer!

Later that night my good friend Ashley came over and we had some fun! My mom just got a new horse Oreo so we went in the backyard to feed the horses. Well this was before I knew that Ashley was scared of horses, so getting her to feed them was quite a challenge. Lacey finally came out to help and we literally had to drag her over to the horses. It was HILARIOUS! She actually said "don't let him get my thumb." She thought the horses were going to bite her fingers off. Then we took a few more goofy pictures inside. I love you ashley!
On Monday I got to go take a few head shots for my dad's office and then head over to Allisons house to see her before I leave! I had to take some pictures of Sam (because he is just so dang cute) because Allison is getting worried that he is just growing up too fast. Allison had the cutest idea and i LOVED how the pictures tuned out! I'll give you all a sneeky peek of this shoot too!

I was getting a little hungry so I went to the fridge and found a disgusting mess. I kept telling her that this was gross. I can blog this now because if you go to allison's recent post she has already cleaned it so GOOD JOB!
Here is our quick visitation photoshoot. the eyebrow one was so so funny!
So i got to say hello and goodbye in enough time to take off to the airport. I had such a great time and can't wait to come back again.....which won't be for a while....sad, but I have been in high spirits this week! Just ask Russ i think I have been extra nice to him this week. I did miss him you know! Ok that is all for now! Stay tuned for more adventures of Sorensen life.