Yes, Ryan got Propane for Christmas.....

I thought these were cute....dad didn't know I was taking his picture while he was goofing off with Madison....

Bri was extra surprised when she got two rings for Christmas from RYAN!

My mom got Russ a box of cereal and snacks.....

As you can tell he got a kick out of it.

and so did my mom....

dad got some new shoes from ryan to play bball!


Nikki Painted me this canvas. So good huh!?

Now this is just freaky.

Madison was loving her new vanity mirror set.

now she is a new woman

Tanner loved his train!

Ohhhhhhh VANESSA!

I love this picture of russ. he is so cute!

Can't say the same about ryan. hahaha.

i weirdly like that my dads face is just so out of focus. he thought he was in the picture....but he is really not...hahaha

oh there is a picture of MMEEEE! I made Russ take these...

Nikki is Pretty excited for her necklace if i do say so myself....

now who doesn't just LOVE HIM!?!?

Nikki is getting a little too excited.

Now why does she look so cute!? It's Christmas morning!

Bri is testing out the purfume.....

Michael Jackson.

Russ and his bannana game.

Mom is watching her fam. she is probably crying inside.

Oh lacey. the child who doesn't need a christmas because she gets everything she wants....

madison with donut left on her face...

I love those glasses! He smiled right up when he put those on!

I really like this picture of jake!

ANd you wonder where we get the weirdness from?

Ryan is a HAPPY BOY!

Nikki and Braden! (these are not from Christmas morning but I thought I would throw them in here)