Allison came over to hang out at the house and we decided that is was time to go eat some ice cream. (again,
it's all about the food). We decided to go to our old Dairy Queen on 67th and Deer Valley to
satisfy are craving. First off the cashier was very unfriendly. I think he hated me because it took me forever to order. There are so many things there and I haven't been there for a while. While we were there we ran into Russell's parents! What a small world! hahah, it's so funny to live in Arizona and run into people we know. It is so fun! Here is Allison and I stuffing our faces. (You would think Russ didn't exist when I am with my friends....I didn't even take a picture of him. He was there.....)

Well it was
Brooke and Nikki's Birthday last Sunday AND
Father's day so it was so full day! We had Grandma and grandpa, and Ryan and Bri come over for dinner. Later Aunt Veronica and Uncle Mike with the cousins Jeremy and Kelly and James and Maggie came over for HOMEMADE ICE CREAM CAKE!!!! THANKS VERONICA, IT WAS AMAZING!
(Yes we are EATING again) Nikki and Jake and the babies came over for BIRTHDAY PRESENTS! We sang happy birthday and opened Nikki's presents along with Dad's Father's day Presents as well. It was so much fun to see the family.
I love living in Arizona. It's pretty much the funnest thing ever. It's pretty amazing not having to go to work, and going to the pool everyday, sleeping in, and hanging out with friends and family whenever I want. Yes, it's ok. You can be jealous. haha. =-)

Bri by her lonesome....

Who do you think would win in a fight? Jeremy or Ryan? Close call....

My BFF Ryan.

Ronnie and Kelly just hanging out while I stalk averyone with a camera.

Nikki (The birthday girl!!) and Maddi

Dad's new license plate for Bumblebee

All the fam gathered around for present time!

Poor Maggie has to sit with all these boys...

Nikki's present for dad! so cute! Look how skinny he was!

Maddie and Grandma and Grandpa

The Mullaly's!

James and Maggie! So cute together!

The amazing Sorensen's!

That is Madison's double chin face....

Russ is working for my dad through the summer. We bought him some cute new work cloths (business casual) that he doesn't seem to own. He likes what he is learning there and is making the bucks to pay our bills.....And as for me, well I am starting my own photography business finally! I got my website up and I am SOOOOO Excited!! I just registered my trade name "Sorensen Studios" and now it is all mine! i have lots to do but it is very fun and exciting for me! So you BETTER check out my new website! I think it's a good start!!!
and if you have facebook! Go be my fan! I am giving away a free portrait session on June 30th and just for clicking "like" you are entered!