I miss Phoenix even more when it starts to get cold in Utah. I really shouldn't be complaining, the weather here is soooo good for november. We have made it with only 1 snow storm that melted the same day. It's only 50 degrees out right now and it's 9 o'clock at night. So it's not too bad at all!
Well the update with the Sorensen's, here goes. Russ has been very busy with homework this semester. A couple of weeks back he was SLAMMED with work, he pulled a few all nighters and only got only 7 hours of sleep in 5 days! He is a crazy person! I could never do that anymore! Let's just say he stalked the fridge full of Mountain Dew and AMP energy drinks to stay alive. We only have 5 more months until Russ is graduated! I am SOOOO excited! I really can't wait, it will be like a new adventure after he is done. I have been graduated from college since 2007 so I have been waiting semi-patiently.
As for me I am still working at a studio and doing my own personal photography on the side. It's great that I have to flexibility to do that right now. I love it so much! The house is a mess right now although I have made many more attempts to clean it, but life gets so busy! My day off was today and I don't even know where the time goes!
Our friends cody and Jake moved away yesterday. We are pretty bummed. We miss them already. They are going on a major road trip to florida and back! I hope they have fun!
We had a zombiw party on Sunday and it was sooo fun! Cody and Jake introduced us to Mac and Kelly. They through a zombie party on halloween and we dressed up and watched a new Zombie TV show called The Walking Dead on AMC. It was really pretty good! I had lots of fun. Russ didn't dress up because he came later because he had a bunch of homework to do. But I really enjoyed getting all zombiefied!

This was our sexy zombie pose.....

I'm hungry for FLESH!

She looks like a puppy dog waiting for her food.

I am going to eat russ! He looked delicious!

Apparently I wasn't the only one thinking that.

He didn't want to kiss this face.

We played a halloween trivia game and I won the prize! Do me! Do YOU know what the purpose of a ghoul is?

Eat the bunny!

Girl picture!

Mac won for best makeup.

ok now this is FREAKY.

We make this look goooood.

i love that face.

The zombies are eating each other!

That blood looks awesome!

I feel like The Ring in this picture.

That is some pretty scary stuff but I love being scary and I love Halloween! We set up a sign outside our house so that people would know to come downstairs and trick or treat. It was raining outside but we still got some trick or treaters. Man, I wish I could trick or Treat again. it's so fun!
We also carved pumpkins a few weeks ago (against Russ wishes, he said it was too early). It was fun, we went over to Paul and Ruthie's and had carmel corn, carmel and apples, and cooked pumpkin seeds! It was very Halloweeny! I loved it!

This is my pumpkin.

This is Russ Pumpkin.

Paul didn't know what was coming.

But Russ did.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Jake looks pretty happy.

Those pumpkin teeth look good on you cody!

MAster Chef.

Master eater.