It was the WEIRDEST THING! The baby looked HUGE and I just cannot believe the baby is inside of me! Where does it fit in there?! It was moving and everything and it was just the oddest thing to watch. It's like I can't feel it move but I was seeing it move and it was so strange (in a good way!). Russ and I heard the heartbeat and they took a few pictures for us to take home. They made a guess on the sex of the baby but we will keep that a secret until next month when we can confirm it..... Our little baby was sitting indian style and it was not cooperating with the ultra sound technician.. Russ says "If it is not cooperating then it gets it from it's mother..." The ultrasound lady kept pushing on my tummy trying to turn it. (and then I had to pee, hahah) =-) But that was way exciting!
The further along I get the more real it becomes. Today when I could see the shape of the baby and the movement of the baby I felt like "wow, this is really happening". We are really going to have a baby. The more time that passes the more prepared I feel. I don't think I will every fully be prepared but I feel a little more at ease. I actually think it makes me less scared and more excited and happy for it as time goes by. But it still feels a little weird.... i do feel like there is an alien inside of me! Hahaha....I mean there is a living thing inside of my's a concept I can't grasp yet...
I can't wait to see it's little Selena and Russ face!!! =-)
Here are the ultra sound pictures! Enjoy!
This is the scary skull picture....It looks like a monster! hahaha!

Cute little foot!