If you know me I have been terrified about gaining a ton of weight on this pregnancy. I know that I should not worry about it and I can lose the weight once the baby is born but a part of is terrified that I will look like this......
hahaha, yes, this was me in high school and when I think of gaining weight I think if this picture.
I am not the best at exercising but I have been trying to watch what I eat. I think I have gained about 18 lbs or so and I am 23 weeks this week so I think I am doing ok.....(but I have very low hopes for myself, I have such bad metabolism I think It will all catch me at the end of my pregnancy....) But other than worrying about weight my pregnancy has been so enjoyable.
I think I feel the very best right now (and since 20 weeks) than I have felt my entire pregnancy. I have had NO NAUSEA or morning sickness which has been the biggest blessing. I was pretty tired the first part of my pregnancy until bout 18 weeks but not that bad. I am just starting to get the oh so wonderful feeling of back pain at about 20 weeks if I am carrying a lot or on my feet for a while (but it is not bad yet). I was not emotional at all my first trimester and just started to be a little more sensitive in my second trimester. I can cry a little easier but I am not the emotional roller coaster that Russ was expecting...
I am probably jinxing myself for later in my pregnancy (or for a future pregnancy) writing about how amazing my pregnancy has been but it really has been great.
She has been kicking a lot lately....almost after every time I eat she is a wiggler. I feel her constantly through the day and they are slowly getting stronger (and moving higher). I always try to get Russ to feel her but he says he can't yet (or she will stop like every time I try and have him feel). But I know he will be able to very shortly.
At my last ultrasound they moved my due date (not officially) to November 9th according to her measurements. I am nervous to have a baby but I am extremely nervous about labor and delivery. I'm not sure if it was a mistake or not but I watched a natural birth and epidural birth videos online and the natural birth video looked crazy painful......I have nothing against natural births and I am so amazed at the women that decide to do that but I am definitely going to get the epidural. If I have a choice to feel pain or not I choose no pain. =-)
So I think I am blabbing now but the point of this blog is to update everyone on the progress of my pregnancy
Show you the growing tummy (because if many requests to see these!)
10 weeks
12 weeks
I had a 16 week picture but I lost it and I am soooo sad about it!!!)
19 weeks
22 weeks
only 4 more months! whoo hoooooo!!!