I saw a really cute Christmas card the said Happy Birthday to Jesus! Isn't this why we celebrate Christmas! It was so cute! Around this time of year I seem to always get so busy, doing last minute shopping, wrapping presents, decorating the tree and the house for Christmas that the REAL reason we celebrate Christmas gets lost.
I feel very grateful this year for so many reasons.
Russ and I have had so many blessings in the past few months, it's amazing.
I feel so grateful to have such a awesome husband. He works so hard to provide for our family. He picks up groceries for me on his way home from his long day at work. He snuggles with me in the morning. He changes Brynn's diapers, feeds her and puts her down when I have had enough. He helps me clean the house. He calls me when he goes to lunch to say hi. He leaves me sweet notes on the mirror in our bathroom. The simple things he does everyday reminds me of why I married him.
He is a kind and loving man and I am lucky to have him.
I am in awe of how amazing it it to have a daughter and to be a mother. She has such a happy spirit. She brings us much joy (even if we don't sleep). I love her smile, my face lights up when I see it. I love her sweet voice (even if she is crying). She is so small and I love to cuddle with her. I am so grateful I can be a stay at home mom. I love to spend time with her and see her grow and develop. She is so precious and so beautiful. I am starting to see so much of Russ in her. She will probably be a daddy's girl. =-) I am so grateful for the opportunity to carry her and bring her to this world.
We are grateful for the new home we were able to purchase. I don't think it was just "luck". I know Heavenly Father was watching over us and provided this home for us. I am so grateful for the ward and the neighborhood we live in.
We are surrounded by such amazing people.
I am grateful for the schooling Russ was able to have.
For the 3 wonderful yeas in Utah we had together.
I am grateful for the chance to move back home close to family and the job that Russ has.
We would have none of this if is wasn't for Christ's birth and ultimately his sacrifice that allowed us to be here and to have these earthly experiences and joys!
So Happy Birthday Jesus!
We had so much fun with our family over the weekend. Dinner with uncle Ryan and Bri on Thursday. Then our big extended family party on Friday with all the aunts and uncles and cousins with dinner (homemade soups!) and a fun elephant exchange!! Then our immediate family gathered together on Christmas eve for dinner and our traditional "open one gift on Christmas eve." Then Russ and I had our own family opening present time on Christmas day morning, went to church with the Mullaly's and mom and dad, then off to mom and dads to read the birth of Christ and finish opening presents! Straight from there we went to Russ moms house to have dinner and exchange gifts! It was a long but fun weekend!
Here are a few pictures from Brynn's first Christmas!!!!
Her Christmas jammies were from Nikki, they used to be Tanners. =-)
She looks cute in them!
Our first REAL Christmas TREEEEE!!!

Made by my lovely sister Brooke!

Stocking hung with care....

Merry Christmas Baby Brynn!

We had to include Domino in the festivities....

Brynns First ornament.

Russ Got her matching sweat pants like moms hahaha.

Russ also bought Brynn this cute hoody!

Our tree wouldn't be complete without a BYU ornament! (Domino thought it was his toy and was trying to eat it!)

a mini blacklight flashlight (i know it's not as cool as Scotts!)

I got him this movie because it looks awesome in blueray!

my mommy and daddy and baby ornament!

Russ made me some new church music.

and don't forget the chapstick!

He labeled each one for different parts of the house so there will always be a chapstick around (so I stop using his! )

Santa came!

new outfit number 1 (she got 2)

Brynn and daddy!

awesome shorts from kerri and marcy!

cute wallet from kerri and marcy!

These are presents to Brynn..... =-)

Love her! She is the best present we got!

Merry Christmas Brynn! (i know she is really excited inside)

Russ surprised me with a tablet and lightroom! So unexpected and i LOVED LOVE LOVED IT!

I surprised Russ with a "parking spot" in the garage. Our garage was so messy We could not park 2 card in it. So i cleaned it, had jake power wash it, and bought some shelves (that dad and jake put together for me) to put the boxes up and organize it! i am a good wife huh? haha.....

The fam on Christmas...

me and my little santa.

I love this pic of her!

The aunts love Brynn!

Dad is a loner. haha.