Well this baby weight is getting a little old now.
I was talking to Ruthie the other day on Skype and she told me about the workout she did and lost a bunch of weight from. It's one of Jillians workouts....6 pack in 6 weeks!

I thought of getting a workout pass to the gym but then decided against it. I know myself it was hard getting to the gym WITHOUT a baby for me. So I needed something I could do at home so I thought this was perfect. Of course I am such a "buddy" person I needed a buddy to help motivate myself to do this everyday. I told Lacey to come and join the Jillian party! So Lacey has come over and we have been doing pretty good.
The first time I did it i was SOOOO SORE and could barely do the moves.
We are into week 2 now and things are getting easier (but I am still huffing and puffing and sweating like crazy the whole way through it.) I hope that this can help me shave off some of this baby weight because I am not one of the lucky ones "that it just melt right off" when I am breastfeeding. I think it is the exact opposite actually (I guess that is what I get for having such an easy pregnancy). So Lacey and I took "before pictures" of ourselves to see if this video really makes a difference. Of course the real pictures are way too embarrassing to post so you get this for now. Hopefully I will have some awesome AFTER pictures and then maybe I won't be so embarrassed to post the befores.
But trust me, you don't want to see them.
We of course are trying to watch our diets as well but I feel like I still have a pregnant appetite! (and all I want are sweets!) Anywhoo, I know I just had a baby like 2 and a half months ago but I feel so sad that none of my clothes fit me and that I have to wear Russ T-shirts and the same pair of "BIG" jeans I bought for myself everyday. And you just feel gross (like I bend over and a fat roll is preventing me to bend any farther that was never there before).
I need to shed some pounds. I hope this works!
In the video there is a part that she says "You know what you are gonna do is look RIDICULOUS" That's the goal, we want to look ridiculous. Wish me luck.
(ps. did mention I hate working out)
Jillian is kicking our butts!