Watch the video to see what big milestone Brynn accomplished at 4 months exactly!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
zoo disaster.
So I thought since it was presidents day and Russ had the day off we would go and have a good ol' time at the zoo (Russ has never been to the Phoenix zoo and we never get a whole day to hang out together!) So since we have the most amazing baby in the world (so we thought) we packed her up with all her stuff and headed out.
We got there and were faced with a hard we become annual zoo members? Russ is all about a good deal and spending money wisely and he decided it would probably be worth it to sign up. When Brynn is a year old she will get a kick out of it! So basically you go twice in one year it pays for itself....Anywhoo, we walked in and we went right over to pet the stingrays (my favorite thing!) I LOVE to pet the animals, you name it, at petting zoos I am probably more excited than all the kids (on a side note have you ever been to the deer farm right outside of flagstaff?? It's basically my favorite place to be in the whole entire world.) While at the stingray exhibit I scratched Brynn on the hand...she made a sad face but didn't cry a tear. About a half hour after we arrived when we were walking to the other exhibits sweet Brynn was sitting peacefully in her stroller and suddenly Erupted In Screaming Cries!!! What the heck!?!? We check her car seat to see if anything was poking her, no poopy diaper, she was fed...I mean we checked all the possibilities and we couldn't figure out what it was! The ONLY guess I have is that maybe she was sucking on her fingers and made her scratch was sting (I did break the skin). I have no idea really though. If you know our Brynn she has a sweet little soft winy cry, this was a cry I have rarely experienced from her. So of course since we have never really had to deal with this kind of outburst (and especially not in public) we were a little flustered and were running around like chickens with our heads cut off. After about 10-15 mins of this I finally got her to fall asleep.
Man, that was exhausting.
I could see Russ was slightly embarrassed and he told me he was about ready to leave right after that. Anyways it kind of put a damper on our trip and after a poopy diaper and a feeding later we didn't end up making it around the whole park. The only thing I have to say is......
good thing we are annual members.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Frumpy to Fab just in time for Valentines Day.
I won Erin Larsens contest for a free hair make over HERE.
She is an old friend from high school and I was ecstatic to go see her and her boys and catch up (AND GET A NEW DO!) I am just tired of my hair. I have not idea what to do with it so I just said "Do you thing Erin!" She could do whatever she wanted to my hair (without taking the length off). Oh and Do I LOVE IT! Right in time for my Valentines date with Russ the next day. I went from Dark and flat, to bright and bouncy!
Erin, I LOVE IT!
Thanks for making me feel better about myself. I really do feel like a new was just what I needed to get out of this hair rut.

For Valentine's day I cleaned the whole house for Russ and put all these cute notes all over the house. He took a pen and wrote a response on all of them. That was a nice surprise. I collected all the notes after and displayed them in our bathroom. (Don't mind the PG-13 ones on there. hahaha!)
I also put a card in his car with some treats and in the card it said....
Russ did a fun game for me....He gave me a sweet note and said "we both know that food is the key to both our hearts..." haha, yes we like to eat around here.....and he wrote this little poem and I had to fill in the blank for the last word (which was valentine) and he hid all the letters to the word valentine on snacks hidden in the kitchen. I actually had a hard time finding them all but I finally did! IT was a fun game and I got some yummy snacks out of it! =-)
Russ and I had a nice Valentines date last night. Russell's mom watched Brynn and we did dinner and a movie. We haven't seen a movie in the theaters for a while so it was nice. We saw "The Woman in Black"....I know, Romantic huh? =-) I love scary movies though so it was perfect. I did jump was pretty good for a scary movie (best one I've seen for a while.) Then to avoid the crazy restaurant scene we ate good ol chipotle. MMMMMM. DELISH. When We came back to pick up Brynn we walked in and Brynn and Grandpa were watching TV together. It was so cute I HAD to take a picture.
I will end this Valentines day post with a cute picture I made Russ take of me and Brynn before we went out. It was almost dark but I thought she looked so dang cute.
Hope you all had a Happy Valentines Day!

Saturday, February 11, 2012
I love Garage Sales.
Russ doesn't understand my love for
antique stores and garage sales.
I truly do find so many treasures from other people junk--but he still sees it as junk. He thinks I am a mini hoarder. I do tend to hold onto things for way too long (but am very proud of myself because I did get rid of so many things when we moved from Utah and then again when we moved into this house.) I think everything has sentimental value and I don't want to get rid of things because "what if I will need it!?!" As a photographer, everything I see become a photography prop/decoration for the house. So you can see my attraction to garage sales (I AM A MAGNET TO THEM!) I never really plan on going to them, but when I see that bright pink handwritten sign on the side of the road I just can't help myself! Something just takes control of my hands and turns the wheel in the direction of the sale.
So with that said.....
I picked up this beauty today....
(i fell in love with it instantly in the driveway of a garage sale, had to have it!)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Morning Surprise.
this blog post contains graphic pictures
not suitable for an individual with a weak stomach.
This morning was just like any other morning.
Ate breakfast, fed baby. Lacey came over. We went walking. 8 minutes abs. It was a great morning. I was in the office on my computer with Brynn in my lap and all of a sudden you hear a big juicy toot. WHOA BRYNN! I make my way over to go change her diaper. I thought, "I need to go to the bathroom....let me set you down and go before I change your diaper."
These events are what followed......(sorry it's pretty gross)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Too late for a New years post?
Well with the birth of Brynn my picture taking has like doubled or quadrupled! I seriously am overwhelmed with pictures! I totally forgot about these pictures (yes I am blogging 2 post in one day....that is a record!)! Amy came down for new years and I miss them so much. Her girls are so cute and I was so happy when Ruby ran up to me and said "Saweeeeena!!" She still remembers me! ppphhhheeewwwww! I have to be the favorite aunt! haha! Lola is so big and talks like a big girl now. It's crazy how fast they grow. We just had a small get together at my parents house. For some reason (well I know the reason, this baby of ours named Brynn) I was not on top of planning a fun new years party we are so accustomed to having this year. Next year it will be a PARTAY. Anyways I had fun making marshmallows and lighting fireworks. Here are some highlights of Amys visit here.
Allison already does not like to be photographed in her pregnant state.
She already looks different than that and that was only a month ago!
At charming charlies. the best place ever.
i love her hands in this pic. haha.
Color swap.
we just ate something toxic.
Brynn looks like she is wearing a crown with Russ shirt in the background.
We tried to make this party look wild and crazy. But we really were just running around like idiots with sparking cider and sparklers.
We will end on these lovely pictures.
(sorry guys. they were too funny not to post)
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