I'm still playing a little catch up with my blog. I took these pictures in March of her (so you can see....I have quite a bit of catching up to do!) Newborn Brynn was such a sleepy baby but not the best sleeper at night. Well now Brynn is a great sleeper. She has been sleeping through the night since she was 3 months, she takes about 3 naps a day still right now (and she is almost 6 months!), she goes down without a fuss, she can sleep through noise and even fall asleep in the most uncomfortable positions. Here is one of those times....I left the room and came back to her like this.

She also loves her bath! She love licking the water, kicking around and playing with her toys. Whenever I pour water on her face she takes a deep breathe and jumps a little like she is scared. It's kind of funny.

She has learned to sit up since Easter and I have let her sit up in her baths now. A few days ago I gave her a bath in the sink and let her sit up on her own. I was watching her but the sink was so slippery and she is not the greatest at sitting up yet she slipped so fast and fell right under the water! AAHHH! I grabbed her and pulled her out and she was shaking and crying...It was soooo sad! I think she was a little traumatized. Let just say I hold her now in the sink.
But even after that she still loves her baths.