I just got back from Las Vegas last week and had a blast at WPPI (a photography convention)! It was so fun! That I will blog about later.....
So Russ stayed home from this trip and had some good alone/lonely time. It was good to get home and see him. I missed him! Anyways I was walking around the house the other day when I came across this....

I have never ever before seen this sheriffs badge and it made me wonder where the heck it came from. What WAS russ doing while I was out of town? I had a little chuckle when I imagined what on earth Russ did with this little toy of his.
Maybe he was acting out the 2 different times where he was pulled over (in the passed few months) Or maybe he was keeping this little trinket around to remind him not to speed or run stop signs.
Whatever the case, I just thought it was the most hilarious thing sitting on his pile of clothes in the hallway.
So of course I had to take a picture of it and blog.
The Sheriff's in Town.
Oh my heck that sheriff badge looks familiar... meaning it looks like it's from the game Bang! That's a really fun game.
so now I am curious...be sure to fill us in why the sherriff was in town! ha ha
let's just hope no strippers were involved. jk jk. are you happy i'm commenting on your blog?? the vegas pictures are going to make me sad, i can already tell.
I think Russ may have a new side job...it makes good money!
Rick has one of those too!!! How funny...
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