One of my favorite things about being in Arizona (besides the I didn't have to work thing) is the fact that I got to hang out with my sisters and there kids! They are all so fun right now! They say and do the funniest things! How do they learn have the things they know! It's crazy how fast they can pick up on things!
Well Brooke was in town while I was gone and It's so fun to see her and her kids because since they live in California I don't get to see all that much of them (except on skype.) Lana is so funny!
I took a few pictures of her while I was home and I have to share them they are so cute! Mom and Brooke went riding on the horses one day and Lana of course wanted to ride too! So when they got back from Thunderbird Mountain we rode Smokey and Oreo!
Lana loved it!

Lana had this swimsuit that had a floaty built into in. When she was done swimming she would just strip down butt naked and leave the swim suit out to dry.
Why are little bums soooo cute!?
One day I wanted to take a few pictures of cute naked Lana but she was embarrassed. So I told her we were going to play in the mud and I got her to take some pictures with me. I love them! We played in the mud and then took the hose to wash off. Lana was really enjoying herself.....

I thought It was so funny I had to run and grab my camera. She was really concentrating. Then she caught me taking pictures and she cheesed up for me....

Then it was even more fun when we had the whole gang over! Maddi and Tanner too! We did lots of swimming this summer. I miss it already. =-( Now we are back in our dark cave or a basement, with no windows. Oh well, It was fun while it lasted! check it out for yourselves! Aren't they they cutest!? I am so lucky to have such sweet nieces and nephews! I miss them already!

I past the bathroom one time when I saw Lana doing this....

Then it was even more fun when we had the whole gang over! Maddi and Tanner too! We did lots of swimming this summer. I miss it already. =-( Now we are back in our dark cave or a basement, with no windows. Oh well, It was fun while it lasted! check it out for yourselves! Aren't they they cutest!? I am so lucky to have such sweet nieces and nephews! I miss them already!

Lana on the toilet is so funny. You could enter that into a contest or something.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LLLOOOVVVEEEE ALL the PICTURES! I cant even say which one I like the best ha ha ha ! Lana is so hilarious....she loves spending time with you!! I think I need to blow up one of her naked with the hose ha ha ! Also that is the second funny picture you have of her on the toilet....we should make this a thing now...and when she gets older we will have a ton of photos of her on the toilet ! ha ha I am such a nice mom!
It was nice hanging with you...dont get much of that these days! Excited to see you soon! Better be saving some time for me!
Lets go out for DRINKS (wink wink)
Had to look at them again :) I think I need to post these pictures ;)
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