Yes, I do like to sleep....but lately I don't get much. Brynn eats about every 3 hours (and sometimes every 2 hours). I feel like I am just constantly feeding this child! At night she is pretty good she usually sleeps for about 3 hours at a time (and she has slept 5 hours 3 times). But during the day lately (and especially in the mornings) She has been eating like every 2 hours. I try and stall her and get her to the 3 hour mark but she usually spends most of her mornings fussing.
For those of you who breast me!
I feel like I am not making enough milk to keep up with this girl.
I have started pumping and feeding her from a bottle to give her the most that I can.
How can you make more milk?
Is there a trick to this?
I end up supplementing her with formula almost once a day now. I may not be drinking enough liquids....would that stunt your milk supply? All I know is that she is a hungry girl lately (maybe she is growing) but I need to figure out how to make more milk! Any suggestions!?!?
I just got Brynn's blessing outfit today. It's adorable! But everything seems so big on her still! Grow Brynn Grow!! ( I say that now but I will probably miss her sweet small self....)
I haven't been taking too many pictures of her lately but I do love to take pictures of her when she is sleeping. (Probably because I can actually slow down and stare at her and she look so peaceful.) haha. Here are some fun sleeping pictures of her!
I love these faces she makes when she is sleeping....silly girl!

As some of you know, she sleep in bed with us the first week or 2 she was home. It was the only way she would sleep good.

This is where Brynn sleeps now. She loves her bouncer (with the vibration ON and her night light and sound maker....)

I love this picture of her. She looks so relaxed!

She fell asleep in my office while I worked on the computer....Do you love my new canvas?! My grandpa is in that picture! Cool huh?!

This was the first time she EVER fell asleep on a flat surface. (she likes to be elevated). She must have been SO TIRED. (don't mind my messy house.....)

She likes to fall asleep with daddy.

My SIL told me once how she produces more milk when she gets low. She said there is an herb (I think it's called fenugreek) that helps. Also, she said drink LOTS of water, and she said if she ever gets super low, she'll have a movie day & not get off the couch unless she needs to get food. I think resting helps a lot. I heard someone else say that pumping in between feedings & drinking mothers milk tea helps them (if you drink it a lot). Everyone is different, and I got to a point after about 6 weeks where I just couldn't keep it coming enough, so we gave up after trying for weeks. Good luck!!!
PS- she's a doll!
My milk for my other 2 girls never really fully came in. Your body will let you know. I know when I tried to pump with both breast, I only got 1 oz. At that point I was finished, but I also had been feeding with formula for weeks. I went down to nursing like 2 times a day and formula the rest. Eventually, I just went back to full time formula. The main 2 benefits of nursing in my opinion is first continued mom/baby connection and 2nd the beginning nutrients that is produced and given helps build your baby immune system. With this next baby if she would ever come is gonna get more formula than breast milk. I will be going back to work within 8 weeks I will be totally dried up by then anyways. All I can say is good luck.
She is probably going through a growth spurt. Let her nurse as often as she needs. That will help produce more milk. My kids would nurse every 1 1/2 hrs during growth spurts and I always questioned my milk supply. But after a week or so, things went back to normal. Your baby is more efficient at emptying you than pumps. I read The Breast feeding Book by Dr Sears and it helped me out a lot! Good luck! I know it can be frustrating and you feel like a cow most days. Haha
Hi Serena,
I had the same problem with Kalynn. I was so fustrated because I thought I wasnt producing enough to satisfy her. So, I did lots of researching and this is what I did that helped me out A LOT!!
1. Drink more water - lots and lots of water!! It helps!!
2. I would sprinkle Wheat Germ on top of oatmeal. The oatmeal helped and the wheat germ helped a lot.
3. Eat better - you have to be getting at least 1500 calories a day and not junk!! Good food - Fruit, veggies protein etc.
4. NURSE NURSE NURSE. I spent a whole weekend in bed just nursing Kalynn and Oh MY GOODNESS... my milk supply was overfull when I was done. I had to pump after I fed her because I had so much.
5. Dont supplement unless you really feel you need to. Just let her keep on nursing. It is all about supply and demand. When your nursing her and you know you are empty, let her keep nursing because it will trigger your body to produce more milk. If she stops when your empty, your body will not produce any more milk. Your brain will think that it is producing the right amount. Sometimes if Kalynn did not want to nurse anymore I would just pump. Even though I wasnt getting anything, I would still pump to stimulate more milk production.
6. Get a good pump. I loved my medela pump. A good pump will make all the difference.
Sorry to ramble but I have been exactly where you are!! The bad thing was was that Kalynn wouldnt take a bottle for nothing!! We would be up all night long because I wasnt making enough milk and she wouldnt take a bottle. I had to get a tube and while she was nursing I would push milk through a seringe (sorry about spelling) into the tube and she would get milk while she was nursing. I finally had enough and did everything I could to get more milk and all the above helped me so much!!
I hope they help you as well!!
PS. I LOVE the fact that you have an angel monitor. Kalynn has one and she is a year old and still uses it. I had to go back to work and was worried sick about her being at daycare without it and I found a Snuzzi online. Its a portable angel monitor and it worked so great at daycare. I know you wont be taking her to daycare but I wanted to pass the info along in case you were interested!! If you have questions, let me know!! I know exactly how you feel. Its not easy but its worth it!!
I thought the lady on the canvas was nude at first! What kind of pictures did your grandfather take?!
As far as the milk thing goes, everyone else's comments pretty much covered all the tips I'm aware of. I remember feeling the same way though, like Sam and Mollie would eat and I would be bone dry.
Brynn is already changing. I'm glad she has found a place she likes to sleep.
DRINK A TON OF WATER!!! be careful with giving her bottles and formula because she could start to prefer those and refuse you. Never skip a side or feeding.
This is Brooke's friend Lynsey PS
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