Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Catching up on LIFE. ***WARNING*** LONG POST

This blog thing is really hard lately.  Russ turned to me a few days ago and asked me "Do we even HAVE a blog anymore?"  Well, I have just been so busy with life that is has been my last priority.  I mean serisouly, I haven't even showered for 3 days as of today so it's really on the end of my to do list.  But I really do feel like I need to give this blog a little love.  So here goes.

Brynn LOVES kids.  She pretty much just loved people in general.  She will ignore me HER MOM for any stranger that tickles her fancy.  She will go up to random strangers in public and lifts up her arms gesturing that they pick her up.  She is uncontainable now.  at 15 months she is a GOER.  She is constantly getting into everything and entertains herself and plays by herself so good.  This means that I am constantly trying to clean up her messes but what normally happens is that I give up.  The house just becomes her castle and she can do what she pleases.  Here is the most recent photo of her. 

Yes, I guess I should officially announce this on my blog but I am 11 weeks pregnant with #2!!  They will be 22 months apart.  I can't wait for Brynn to have a friend.  =-)  Are we ready?  No.  But we have time right?  So far so good.  Not too sick really.  Just BEYOND TIRED.  It's crazy how low I am on energy.  But just in the past few days I have been feeling better, more energetic.  So that is good. 

As far as us as a family, well we are doing the same ol same ol!  I am doing photography part time and was pretty busy through the fall (2012).  It's is one of the reasons this blog got very neglected.  Brynn turned one!  I will blog those photos soon!  Russ is working at Ultimate Properties.  He works hard and we love him for it!  Brynn is really at a fun age.  She is just starting to throw tantrums and she frowns at me all the time.  Silly girl.  She LOVES to DANCE to ALL MUSIC anywhere!  We will be in the grocery store and she will start dancing to the music she hears there.  We have dance parties at our house pretty regularly because Brynn just smiles so big when she hears music.  She loves to be outside, she could be outside all day!  She loves rocks.  It's weird but she would always much rather play int he rocks than anything else.  She will eat any fruit you put in front of her.  She love peanut butter and jelly, mac and cheese and yogurt.  She is such a fun girl and we love her so much!

Now to take a blast in the past.  I have some catching up to do on lots of photos!  This is Brynn and her friend Beeson.  I call this "attack of Beeson"  haha.  He loves her too. 

This is me and 10 month old Brynn....She is NOT a snuggler so i thought this photo was a trasure.  She probably only sat there for like 30 seconds but I love it.

Here is 10 month old Brynn with her chunkiness.  I miss that chunkiness!  

We took a day trip up to the deer farm in Williams and it was soooo fun!  She was a little scared of the deer but did ok.  If you didn't know, the deer farm is like my favorite place in the world.

Russ and I both take equal responsibility for Brynn so it's "fair."  haha.  We swap off changing diapers and going through the bedtime routine.  But since she was young Russ is mainly in charge of taking her upstairs, putting her in her crib and tucking her in.  Here is a picture that captures it perfectly.  (she even has  a little milk drool.  oh so cute).  This is still 10 month old Brynn by the way (yes I know I have way too many pics).

Since I can remember Brynn has LOVED her bumpers.  She has some pretty fluffy comfy bumpers and at first i always tried to fix them and put them back up against the crib so they look pretty but I soon learned to just give up.  She has always snuggled with them and puts her arms round them.  Now she uses them for a pillow!  So of course I had to take a photo when she was creases on her head from her bumpers.  I think it's so funny.

Now that wraps up last August are some from September 2012!!

Here is some family bowling time!  We don't get out much anymore so i thought I would take a few photos of us having fun.  It still happens but not as often as we would like!  =-)

Here is Brynn eating one of her favorite meals, mac and cheese!  But this is paridise bakery mac and cheese!  MMMMM!!!

She doesn't so this often so I think it is hilarious when she falls asleep in her high chair.  That means she is REALLY REALLY TIRED!

Brynn loves dogs.  I mean it was her first word for crying out loud!  She loves Domino!  She chases him around, tries to sit in his "lap", laughs when he licks her face and loves to poke him in the eyes and pet him.  They will both sit at your feet when you are eating and "beg".  It's pretty cute.

Well I think that is good for now!  I have a few more months to catch up on but this is a promising start!  It's a miracle!  =-)  Thanks for stopping by to read about our lives!  I know it's not all that exciting but we try.  haha.