Monday, June 18, 2012

So behind.

I have got to catch up on my life!  My house needs to be cleaned, I have so much editing/work to do with my photography, I need to organize so many things (my home, my time, my business....), and still see my sweet hubby and play with my little Brynn.  Not to mention blog.  Holy cow I am so behind.  This blogging thing is my journal.  It's how I document my life.  I make those cute blog books out of them and I feel like I am skipping all of Brynn's milestones and it is making me way depressed.  I know I take a million GAHJILLION pictures.  So I think I need to blog the best of the best so I don't feel so overwhelmed.  I am going to try and blog one memory every day or every other day.  We will see how well I do.....

I never blogged about this and I really wanted to.  I breast fed Brynn for 3 months.  That's as long as I made it.  No one tells you how hard breastfeeding really is!  Brynn was always a sleepy baby that I constantly had to wake up when feeding her.  It would take her FOREVER!  Although I do not miss that late night.early morning feeding.  It was nice to take a break from the day, hold and snuggle her while I fed her.  Excuse me if this is TMI but sore nipples and leaking boobies are not so fun, and as soon as she started eating more than I was making I had to start supplementing which was also a pain.  I wish I was a milk cow like other people but I just did not produce a lot of milk.  And with work getting busier (shoots and weddings coming up) I decided to stop breastfeeding.  It was a love hat relationship. I had enough stored to feed her morning and night (with breast milk) through her 4th month.  I know breast milk was important for her so I tried to do it as long as possible.  But when I gave her the last bag of milk I had I was a little sad.  Bye bye milk.

But now I am soooo loving formula and bottle feeding.  It's so convenient and nice too.  And now looking bad I really am not missing breastfeeding all that much....(or the newborn stage for that matter). I am loving Brynns age right now and can't wait to see her grow (but please not too fast ok Brynn?)

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