Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A new post---the friends...

By Special Request of Allison Barry I am going to make a new post. My picture taking has been pathetic lately. I haven't taken any pictures!! Weird huh? I am either slacking like crazy or there is really nothing interesting to take pictures of lately (or maybe a little bit of both). Life is a bit crazy right now. Just trying to figure out what to do with my life. So far, we are moving down to AZ in June and July then back up to Utah so Russ can finish up with his schooling. So if anyone wants pictures while we are down let me know! =-)

We've been hanging out with friends lately, we enjoyed a great Easter feast at Cody and Jakes. Eating Hamburgers and hot dogs while watching conference. It was great! I keep forgetting to make Russ an Easter basket. I bought one for him last year then I didn't have time to buy things to fill it up. now this year i just plain didn't even try.....I know i'm pathetic. Well I am going to post some random pictures that I have taken in the last litle bit.

This is (from left to right) Paul, Jake, Ruthis, Russ and Cody. I love that my husband is the most Spazy. We went on a walk when it wasn't that cold outside one night. i love this pic.

Ruthie and some friends from our ward decided to do a random photoshoot. It was pretty funny.

I never blogged these beauties. A few weeks ago, me, lacey and becky went to Prescott to go to my amazing friend Mollie's bridal shower. I love her so so so so so much! She is getting married April 24th!! It's almost here! I am a bridesmaid (and our dresses are BEAUTIFUL!) Anyways here are a few pictures from her shower. I can't wait for her and Spencer to get married!! I'm soooo happy!

About 2 weekends ago Russ, and I and Cody and Jake took a little drive to a ghost town called Eureka! It was a fun time. We packed a lunch (Russ forgot the bread) and set up to have a picnic down there. It was beautiful weather when we left Provo (i was wearing shorts) and when we got to Eureka (about 45 minutes away) there was freakin snow on the ground (don't worry, i was prepared, i brought pants!). That pretty much blew our good picnic weather plans. Anywhoo we went looking for ghosts and took lots of pictures! It was pretty fun, it reminded me of jerome in AZ (but jerome is way better)....Here's a few pictures from that adventure....

And that is all the excitment in the Sorensen life right now. We will keep you updated!


Allison Barry said...

so if this is how many pictures you take when you "haven't taken any pictures," I'd love to see how many you take when you are making a conscious effort. holy goodness. You are definitely your dad's daughter in the "random photo shoot" ones. Those are like his exact goofy picture faces. I love Mollie's outfit in her bridal shower pictures. I love how you are still obsessed with Jerome. That should be the name of your firstborn. Thanks for the post.

Mollie Photo said...

i love you. and i agree with allison, you wanna see "not taking pictures" ? just come over to my house. i NEVER take pictures. how flippin sad is that?! i hate myself. come here and help me please.

Mollie Photo said...

are those chic-o-sticks?
i'm going to the mini mart immediately to buy three and eat them all.

Waters Family said...

YOU ARE MOVING HERE!!!!??? that is so exciting...even if it is for just a couple of months!! and I am sure you are probably all booked up with picture taking but if there is ever a day that you can I would love to get some pics taken. If not that is totally fine...we can go to the place with the white backgrounds...ha ha

booboo said...

Are my eyes really reading this right...you will be here in June and July and are willing to take pictures?!! ME ME ME ME ME pick me and our family!!! Where are you going to live? You guys are too much fun!Can't wait to see you more

booboo said...

OK that is my sisters blog...oops!
it is ME ALICIA! your sis in law

Garrett Strong said...

omg!!! Russ you look so cute in these pictures!!!