Saturday, April 14, 2012

Balancing Life.....

I am having trouble finding balance in my life. How on earth am I supposed to run a business, retouch, call/email clients, fulfill orders, blog on my photography blog, clean my entire house (meaning vacuuming, dishes, cleaning bathrooms, picking up, sweeping....) make dinner, blog on my personal blog, take pictures of my sweet Brynn, have play dates with friends, have dates with my husband, find personal time for myself, read Brynn books and spend time with her, feed her every 3 hours, put her down for naps, walk Domino and play fetch with him, visit family, ready my scriptures, do laundry, hang up clothes, and eat healthy and exercise????? I fear that I am horrible at BALANCE. My life is crazy right now and I can't get everything done. How do I do it? It seem nearly impossible to me. My sweet sweet mother just hired someone to come clean my house (which is embarrassing but appreciated) I haven't lost a POUND since I have had Brynn (even when I go through my spurts of exercise and dieting nothing seems to be working and I can't keep consistent) I rarely go on date with Russ (which I TREASURE) and I feel like I am always on the computer working and ignoring Brynn.....haha....This is so tough! I need to SLOW it down and GET focused! But I feel like there is SO MUCH TO DO all the time that if you know me I just have a problem with FOCUS! I tend to start like 10 things but never finish them. How am I supposed to do this all?! and I only have 1 child and she isn't even crawling yet. What am I going to do when she is on the move all day long!? haha, oh man....Life is overwhelming. HELP! Any suggestions on how to accomplish all that I need and want to do! I just can't seem to figure it out.

With all that said....I am going to catch up on my blog. I will post short blogs with little tidbits of our life so I don't stress out and freak out. haha. I want to remember all of Brynn's discoveries and accomplishments. (I print my blogs as my journals) So this blogging thing is important to me.

Last month (at 4 months old) Brynn did the sweetest thing. She discovered her toes. I was so excited to watch her get so excited over these little piggies that of course I had to document it. and boy is she sweet. =-) She also enjoys chomping on her fingers. (i love the picture of the finger in her's so her right now!)


Anonymous said...

Oh selena!! now you know how i feel and have felt for a long time. I have made certain days the days i work on pictures, days i take pictures, days i clean and always always make days off atleast 3 days off a week to hang with the kiddos, family and friends. always make atleast 1/2 hour a day to tidy up the house but leave only one full day a week to deep clean. Date nights are hard with kids but we always just put kids to bed early and watch movies or our favorite shows that are on the DVR. It is really hard I know how it is TRUST me! and the exercise and dieting thing is really hard I still need to lose 20lbs and hudsyn is 18months. Hope this helps!

McRachie said...

I also "don't have time" to exercise. (I actually probably do have time, but I hate to exercise so I always put it off.) I am using "The Daily Plate" so instead of exercising I can just watch what I eat. Before I was pregnant I lost 15 pounds with it, my sisters each lost 15 and 32 pounds, and you don't have to deprive yourself. It helps you to eat better which gives you more energy!

Also, this way I only fel like I needed to exercise if I was planning on going to a party or on a date or something where I knew I was going to want extra treats. One less thing to worry about!

If you want to be Daily Plate buddies my username is "mcrachie" here is the web site:

I just started using it again so hopefully I will finally start to lose some of this baby weight!

Steve and Erin Larsen said...

Oh Selena. This is a struggle for all of us. Don't worry, you are not alone. What has helped me find more balance in this crazy, busy world we live in is limiting my computer time. I will go on the computer when my kids nap for half of there nap time (about an hour to hour) and then I will spend the rest either cleaning, preparing recipes or getting something accomplished. Exercise is really a sacrifice! That's all there is too it! I have become so discouraged because I'm pretty good about making time for exercise but I'm still having a tough time losing weight. I guess that's part of being a mom. And it's all worth it. Date night is so important. Find a couple baby-sitters you like and make it a mandatory thing to have her come at least a couple times a month so you and Russ can go out. It really recharges your mommy batteries-- I promise!!! Hope that helped. :)

P.S. I'm still working on balancing my life. But I can say that I've gotten better in the last few months. Just remember that you can't do EVERYTHING and nobody is perfect. You are a great mommy!

Steve and Erin Larsen said...

I meant hour to hour and a half by the way. And also, working out in the morning is key-- if you don't do it in the morning, it won't happen!

Mollie Photo said...

adorable little brynn.

about balance. i found a little bit of it when i stopped teaching. i felt like i was A MESS while i was teaching last year. i was missing gretta like CRAZY and after work who wants to cook or clean??? now that i don't work and only have photography it's a little better (november was HELL because of holiday shoots and all that) but now i'm slower and i honestly love it. you are probably not wanting your photography to slow down so i would say write LISTS! and only do one thing at a time.

i guess what is most important to you is what you should always do first! edit for 2 hrs a day or something like that. blog for 30 mins. DONT go on freaking facebook it sucks the life out. and exercising is totally a sacrifice but it will make you feel so much better about yourself. it does it for me!

like i have any idea what i'm talking about :)

Ryan and Crystalee said...

Again, I love your honesty, Selena. I think your balancing struggle is one we all deal with - you're right - LIFE IS HARD. But we can do hard things. I have to constantly evaluate - am I giving my time/energy to my true priorities? (God, family, friends, self) No, not always. I don't always get it right, but I'm trying. And you are too! You're beautiful and a wonderful mama. Hugs from here!