Saturday, August 8, 2009


So I have been having problems lately with this certain thing that all girls have problems with at some point in their life. But I have been doing it a lot lately, like almost everyday. Russ thinks i am going to burn the house down so this morning when he woke up and saw that I had done it again (and left it on from the previous day) I think he had enough. This was the sweet message he left me this morning.


Ian, Jessica, Halle, Camdyn, and Quinn! said...

Ian saw this post and laughed, he's all "Jess, you do that ALL the time!" Must be a girl thing!


I do the same thing..pretty often i think..oops ...join the club

Allison Barry said...

So, I really hope the people you're renting from don't read this blog. Because their house is above your house, so...

sarah said...

Nice reminder! You just need to get one that turns off by it self, just for those forgetful days :)