Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sleeping in the Crib *Update*

So I have given Brynn naps in her crib before. She sleeps in her crib but wakes up a little sooner than she does when she sleeps in her bouncer.

Last night I was going to attempt to sleep her in her crib.
Well.....I went in to check on her and found THIS.
It looks like she is underwater trying to come up for air!
(she looked like she had a broken neck!)
She was not swaddled like she normally is and she did not know what to do with this new freedom and tons of space!
She squirmed out of her blankets and got to the side of her crib. Then later she started crying and I came in to check on her again. She was even higher in her crib (she had squirmed even more) and there she was....she had spit up all over herself and the crib and was rolling around in it. It was in her hair, her jammies...just everywhere! Not only was there spit up but a poopy diaper as well. So I said...this is a bad sign, and I put her back in her bouncer. I think we will take it a little slower and just start putting her bouncer in her room first.
This sleeping business is tricky....


Savanna and Billy said...

Have you seen those Baby sleeping support (google it.)you can put in the crib. Its so they dont move around a ton and it will help keep her swaddled and she will feel more like she is in her bouncer and not in a huge open crib.It will help keep her body straighter too so her cute little head isnt so kinked.

Allison Barry said...

Ugh Figuring out what they like is the worst. You're doing a good job though! You really do just have to experiment to figure out how they will sleep best.

Dawn said...

she's going to be rolling over before you know it!